How do you fit an interlock to a pig launcher door?

How do you fit an interlock to a pig launcher door?

Using the services of our sister company, Total Lockout, our installation team were on site recently installing a couple of Alcatraz CL Closure Door interlocks on some Celeros Flow Technology Bandlock closures.The Bandlock closures have been part of our world since...
Choosing the right valve wheel adaptor

Choosing the right valve wheel adaptor

Choosing the right portable valve actuator for your valve applications is an important step to take. But it’s equally important to ensure you have the right wheel drive plate. Consideration must be given to the following points about the valve wheel. Is the...
How to Interlock a Butterfly Valve

How to Interlock a Butterfly Valve

If you use butterfly valves on critical processes, ensuring the valves are operated in the correct sequence can be achieved by adding an Alcatraz valve interlock from Valtorx. Butterfly valves above 6” (DN150) often have a gearbox fitted to reduce the turning effort....