If you’re struggling to open and close valves like these pedestals, maybe it’s time to take a look at the practical benefits of a Modec portable valve actuator.

At this location in Northern Ireland operators use jemmy bars hooked into the spokes and rim of the pedestal wheel to apply enough effort to operate the valve. Imagine if the wheel needs to be turned 100 times! That’s a lot of manual effort required.

But with the Modec MC89 with an FSB wheel drive adaptor, the task suddenly becomes a lot easier.


The unanswered question is why the wheels have become so stiff to turn. Some maintenance work must be needed. Also, should this pedestal have a larger wheel to ease the task for the workers.

Even if the valve was brand new, a Modec portable valve actuator will make the task much easier, reducing the effort required, reducing the chance of strain injury to the operator, and speeding up the task.

Thanks to Northern Ireland Water for inviting us to visit your facilities in beautiful countryside.

We hope to see you again soon.

If you’re facing similar challenges in your business, contact Valtorx today. You can try out the portable actuator on your valve to see the benefits it will bring.