Valve operation is a crucial component of many industrial and municipal processes. Often, these valves are located in remote, difficult-to-reach areas and require manual operation. This can be a time-consuming and laborious process, leading to decreased efficiency and a higher likelihood of operator safety concerns. However, there are tools available that can help speed up valve operations and save time. At Valtorx we are able to advise on and supply a wide range of Portable Valve Actuators to suit any requirements and environments thanks to a range of tools.

One such tool is the Modec MC89. This battery powered tool is designed to operate valves quickly and efficiently, while being lightweight and compact. Recently, we had the opportunity to demonstrate the Modec MC89 tool for the North Somerset Council in Weston-super-Mare. The council had two valves on the causeway behind the sea swimming lake that took 45 minutes each to operate by hand in each direction (open/close).

Using the Modec MC89, we were able to operate the valves in just 10 minutes in each direction. This was a significant improvement in efficiency and showed the council that they could save a considerable amount of time and effort when operating these valves. The tool is easy to use and provides precise control over the valve operation, making it ideal for a wide range of applications with up to 900Nm maximum torque. With the torque reaction devices and safe anchor points we could be certain that the tool would remain actively rotating the valve shaft and would ensure safety for the operator.

Modec MC89 in use with torque reaction devices to ensure maximum safety and ease of use.

Following the demonstration, the North Somerset Council were extremely impressed with the performance of the Modec MC89 and sent an order for two tools of their own. This is a testament to the effectiveness of the portable valve actuator, how easy it is to operate and the benefits it can bring to any organisation with valves to operate.

In addition to improving efficiency and reducing downtime, using tools like the Modec MC89 can also improve safety. Manual valve operation can be dangerous and strenuous work. By using a tool like the Modec MC89, operators can reduce their likelihood of injury or incident and operate valves safely.

If you have valves that are difficult or time consuming to operate then the Modec MC89 or one of our other products in our range of Portable Valve Actuators would be ideal for you. With our knowledge and expertise in this field we can guide you through the process of selecting the right tool and attachments to fit your requirements. A Portable Valve Actuator offers a reliable, efficient, and safe method that can bring significant benefits to your organisation. Contact Valtorx today to learn more about our Portable Valve Actuator range and to organise a demonstration or site survey for yourself to see the tools first-hand on the valves they will be used on.

Please call Valtorx on 03333 401777 or email for more information.